18/365 Traffic Circle

So we are having a bit of a tiff with the one neighbor. We are not allowed to let our dogs go to the bushes before their traffic cones. We live at the end of a T-junction and in our little community there are 6 dogs. (We have 4) But also in our area are about 15 wild dogs and at least 8 dogs that are let to run free. So all these dogs come and do their business near this house. And it is close to the main road. Anyway they are always complaining about the dogs, and we are all very responsible owners always cleaning up after the dogs. So back to the traffic cones. This neighbor put traffic cones about 8 meters away from his house. He would watch to see if we let our dogs go to the bushes before the cones. Last night somebody must have come back a bit tipsy after a Friday night drink and drove over his cones. I thought it was so funny. This is looking inside the cone. The only one (of 5) that wasn't totally squashed.


  1. You're seriously not going to believe me, but this is seriously true. Yesterday, I was walking along my street when I came across a traffic cone that was lying on its side on some grass and I actually thought to myself that it would be a good picture to take - it's not very often you see photograph inside a traffic cone - and what to I find today? that you've done exactly what I was thinking!! How very very strange. Great minds think alike!!! So strange!

  2. this photo reminds me of the tunnel of life people talk about when they cross to the other side

  3. sorry about my typos!
    Oh and what a shame about your neighbour not being very nice - it is funny that someone ran all the cones down. I think that says something! Hopefully your neighbour won't replace them!

  4. Thanks Sam, unfortunately here they are not very open to people having big dogs and we have 4....

    Sylvia, oooh I should have thought about that. Talking about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

  5. Update : this evening we were out taking the dogs and both Max and Bailey lifted their legs against this cone. I thought it was so funny.


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