End of project

Due to extra work and home pressures I have to end this project. What I have learned has been priceless. I might start it up again later, but I will have to end it now. I enjoyed every day and I am so glad I started it.


  1. Oh, darn. I finally notice your site and you've ended it. Hope all is well, Kimba.

    At least I can admire and work my way backward through your imagination.

  2. Thanks Jan

    Unfortunately my work load is too much at the moment and I was falling so far behind. :-) It is a pity that life gets in the way of fun :-)

  3. I'm so sorry I haven't been in touch for ages, I'm even more sorry that you had to end your project. I was happy doing this project alongside you. I hope that maybe you find the time next year? :) never say never :)


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