39/365 Who is that??

So the one group I belong to wants self portraits. I am always behind the camera , never in front. Today was one of those days where nothing got done. Absolutely nothing got done. No washing, ate out for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I didn't even practice my cello.
Like most of my people shots, first did it in black and white and then split toned it.


  1. Great photo! It's so nice to 'see' you. I'm slowly working up the courage to do this myself, but I much prefer being behind the camera rather than in front. Bravo Kim!! :)

  2. Thanks Sam :-) Come on - you can do it!! If I can so can you. It took a lot though. But isn't this about trying something different? Sylvia's done one.

  3. I like this rather pensive look, or simply calm. Although it's tough to remain calm while posting a self portrait! Excellent, and very pretty.

  4. Next day that it rains....and I will :)


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