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5 Fasting tips for beginners

Intermittent fasting is on the rise. More and more people are turning to fasting for weight loss and other health reasons. There are many different types of fasting ideas and followers. Some talk about insulin resistance and others are LCHF, others are all about the calories in and calories out. It doesn’t matter what you eat, you can be a vegan or be a pure meat eater you can fast.  Fasting has been around for hundreds of years. Most religions incorporate fasting. Christians fast during lent Lent, Muslims fast for Ramadan, Judaism has several annual fast days including Yom Kippur, Buddhist monks and nuns fast for spirituality, even in yoga fasting is encouraged with clean eating.  Many famous people have fasted through the ages. Since the beginning of the Ancient Egyptians to the ancient Greeks to modern days, people have fasted. Plato is known for his fasting and using fasting a means to help cure disease and sickness. Ancients Egyptian warriors used to spend 3 days puri...

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